Colleges near Healy, AK

#6202. Colleges near Healy, AK

Paul Mitchell the School-Miami, FL

3,991 miles
Average net price: $29K Graduation rate: 73% Median Starting salary: $20K Undergraduate enrollment: 131

#6203. Colleges near Healy, AK

City College-Miami, FL

3,991 miles
Admission rate: 100% Average net price: $20K Graduation rate: 34% Median Starting salary: $23K Undergraduate enrollment: 173

#6206. Colleges near Healy, AK

Fortis College-Cutler Bay, FL

3,996 miles
Average net price: $30K Graduation rate: 59% Undergraduate enrollment: 302

#6208. Colleges near Healy, AK

PiBerry Institute, FL

3,999 miles
Average net price: $24K Graduation rate: 83% Undergraduate enrollment: 54

#6210. Colleges near Healy, AK

The College of the Florida Keys, FL

4,015 miles
Average net price: $13K Graduation rate: 31% Median Starting salary: $26K Undergraduate enrollment: 818

Search Filters


Distance from ZIP Code

Admission Rate (%)

Median ACT Cum

Median SAT Math

Median SAT Read

In-State Tuition ($)

Out-of-State Tuition ($)

Average Total Cost ($)

Average Net Cost ($)

Receive Federal Loans (%)

Median Federal Debt ($)

Repayment Rate (%)

Median Payment ($)

Retention Rate (%)

Transfer Rate (%)

Withdrawal Rate (%)

Graduation Rate (%)

Employment Rate (%)

Median Salary ($)

Salary (25 Percentile) ($)

Salary (75 Percentile) ($)